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Main interfaces introduction

1User account managerAllows to update account information, low balance notification, regenerate client ID and secret, get acces to User Guide and information about Developer Portal, add funds to Wallet and log out from Developer Portal
2Client BalanceDisplays funds that can be used to pay operation fees
3View contentDisplays a main content of the current view
4NavigationAllows to navigate between Developer Portal views
5Toggle navigation buttonOpens and closes the navigation menu

Log In view

1Log In formAllows to sign in to Developer Portal
2Registration linkAllows to create a new account in Developer Portal and obtain Client ID and Client Secret
3Forgot Password linkAllows to reset a lost password to the Developer Portal
4User Guide linkAllows to get acces to User Guide

Dashboard view

1Billing informationDisplays an information about funds, credits and latest transactions
2Usage summaryDisplays an information about total usage of products & services in the selected month

Wallet Transaction history view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
2Show operation details buttonDisplays detailed information about the Wallet transactions

USSD Billing view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
2Show operation details buttonDisplays detailed information about the USSD operation
3Create new report buttonAllows to create a new USSD report
4Search single session by session idAllows search single USSD session by id
5Table filter buttonAllows to change active table filters
6Table refresh buttonAllows to refresh table data
7Table paginationAllows to move between next and previouse table pages
8Information about total cost of billing sessionsDisplays an information about total cost of billing sessions

Top-up & Data Billing view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
2Show operation details buttonDisplays detailed information about the Top-up & Data operation
3Create new report buttonAllows to create a new Top-up & Data report
4Search single operation by operation idAllows search single Top-up & Data operation by id
5Table filter buttonAllows to change active table filters
6Table refresh buttonAllows to refresh table data
7Table navigationAllows to move between next and previouse table pages
8Information about total cost of billing operationsDisplays an information about total cost of billing operations

SMS Billing view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
2Create new report buttonAllows to create a new SMS report
3Search single operation by operation idAllows search single SMS operation by id
4Table filter buttonAllows to change active table filters
5Table refresh buttonAllows to refresh table data
6Table navigationAllows to move between next and previouse table pages
7Information about total cost of billing operationsDisplays an information about total cost of billing operations

USSD Apps view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
2Edit app buttonAllows to edit existing USSD app
3Open in embedded editor buttonAllows to open existing USSD app in embedded editor
4Create new app buttonAllows to create a new USSD app, disabled when you reached limit of apps
5Table refresh buttonAllows to refresh table data
6Apps counter informationDisplays information about current and max number of apps

USSD Reports view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
2Download report buttonAllows to download Created USSD report
3Regenerate/Refresh report buttonAllows to regenerate Created or Expired and retry Failed USSD reports
4Show report details buttonDisplays detailed information about the USSD report
5Cancel/Delete report buttonAllows to cancel Pending and delete Created, Expired or Failed USSD reports
6Reports counter informationDisplays information about active (current, max) and pending (current, max) number of reports
7Create new report buttonAllows to create a new USSD report
8Table refresh buttonAllows to refresh table data

Operator Lookup Billing view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
2Create new report buttonAllows to create a new Operator Lookup report
3Search single operation by operation idAllows search single Operator Lookup operation by id
4Table filter buttonAllows to change active table filters
5Table refresh buttonAllows to refresh table data
6Table navigationAllows to move between next and previouse table pages
7Information about total cost of billing operationsDisplays an information about total cost of billing operations

Account Transfers Billing view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
4Show operation details buttonDisplays detailed information about the Account Transfers operation
2Create new report buttonAllows to create a new Account Transfers report
3Search single operation by operation idAllows search single Account Transfers operation by id
4Table filter buttonAllows to change active table filters
5Table refresh buttonAllows to refresh table data
6Table navigationAllows to move between next and previouse table pages
7Information about total cost of billing operationsDisplays an information about total cost of billing operations

Merchant Payment Billing view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
2Show operation details buttonDisplays detailed information about the Merchant Payment operation
3Search single operation by operation idAllows search single Merchant Payment operation by id
4Table filter buttonAllows to change active table filters
5Table refresh buttonAllows to refresh table data
6Table navigationAllows to move between next and previouse table pages
7Information about total cost of billing operationsDisplays an information about total cost of billing operations

Ondemand Billing view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
2Show operation details buttonDisplays detailed information about the Ondemand operation
3Search single operation by operation idAllows search single Ondemand operation by id
4Table filter buttonAllows to change active table filters
5Table refresh buttonAllows to refresh table data
6Table navigationAllows to move between next and previouse table pages
7Information about total cost of billing operationsDisplays an information about total cost of billing operations

Payout Billing view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
2Show operation details buttonDisplays detailed information about the Payout operation
3Search single operation by operation idAllows search single Payout operation by id
4Table filter buttonAllows to change active table filters
5Table refresh buttonAllows to refresh table data
6Table navigationAllows to move between next and previouse table pages
7Information about total cost of billing operationsDisplays an information about total cost of billing operations

KYC Billing view

1Table main contentDisplays a main content of the table
2Show operation details buttonDisplays detailed information about the KYC operation
3Search single operation by operation idAllows search single KYC operation by id
4Table filter buttonAllows to change active table filters
5Table refresh buttonAllows to refresh table data
6Table navigationAllows to move between next and previouse table pages
7Information about total cost of billing operationsDisplays an information about total cost of billing operations

Products and services view

1Products main contentDisplays the main content of all available products and services
2Enabled tabDisplays activated and available services
3Disabled tabDisplays services that can be activated