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Tutorial - creating USSD string definition

This section presents a step-by-step solution to creating a new USSD String definition which is linked to a Qrios API USSD application. By creating such definition, the end user will be able to execute a Check balance process by calling a shortcode string from a feature phone.


  • User is logged in.
  • User chose the application.

Steps to follow

  1. Open USSD STRINGS tab, if it's not already opened.

  2. Click the CREATE NEW button in USSD Strings.

    A new and empty shortcode string definition appears.
  3. Click its body, to expand it.

  4. Change Selected process to External USSD App.

  5. Fill the USSD App Id field.

  6. Optionally insert static parameters in the Code segments. Type numeric value in Code segments field. Then press Enter on your keyboard or click the Create "x" button

    This shortcode segment is considered static, because it will always be `489`, it doesn't change in any of the USSD calls.
  7. Click the SAVE CHANGES button to apply the newly created shortcode string definition.

    The button may be inactive, when there are errors in any of the shortcode definitions. Entering correct values fixes this issue and allows to save the changes. Upon saving, the changes are available after a few seconds. In this case, the end user can call shortcode string `*425*003*489#`, which will execute processes called `Check balance`.