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Menu Builder

This section is about menu builder, a tool which allows to manage menus (called menu variants). Menu allows the end user to quickly and effortlessly execute processes without the need to remember a shortcode string to specific USSD process (eg. transfer or recharge).

Menu variant is also a kind of process, but a special one. Since it's a process, a shortcode string definition can be linked to it (more info about shortcodes is available in section: About shortcode strings). Therefore a user can access menu variant by calling a shortcode string which can be matched by the shortcode string definition.

Each menu variant has a name and consists of menu items. And each menu item has menu key, menu label and process associated with it.

Menu keys are natural numbers assigned to each menu item. They represent a value, which the user has to input in order to select that menu item. They answer the question: what do I have to enter in order to select this option?

Menu labels are (preferably) short strings of characters, which provide description to each menu item. They answer the question: what is this option?


1Header with actionsHouses button to save all menu variants
2Menu variants listAllows to switch between menu variants
3Selected menu variantDisplays menu items for the selected menu variant